TSG Mission Statement
“The Troops of Saint George apostolate aims to use the outdoors as our canvas and the sacraments as our path to light the way for the formation of Holy Catholic men and boys.Whether called to the vocation of the priesthood, the religious life, or that of Holy fatherhood, our fathers and sons will take a prayerful pilgrimage together to fulfill Christ’s desire for them to grow in virtue and in their Holy Catholic faith as they journey toward Heaven.”– Saint George, Pray for us.

The Troops of Saint George seeks to foster strong vocations for the Catholic Church: future holy priests and religious along with future godly husbands and fathers. In the spirit of Saint George, we accomplish this in the outdoors through challenges and adventures. Most importantly, we incorporate priests to celebrate the Holy Mass reverently and hear confessions in the woods. Where else are young men going to be able to sit around a campfire with their fathers, friends, and a Catholic priest or friar.Use the form below to make a secure one-time or recurring donation to the Troops of Saint George. The Troops of Saint George is a recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit organization without full-time salaried staff. Your donation is 100% tax-deductible to the full extent of the law and 100% of donations will go toward our apostolate. We also encourage corporate support.SPONSOR PROGRAM – ADOPT A TSG1 FAMILY:One of the desires of TSG1 is that no family should ever be prevented from joining for financial reasons alone. Unfortunately, we are not near being able to offer free memberships, but you might be able to do just that by “adopting” or “sponsoring” a family. The sponsoring family will “adopt” a family in financial difficulty, to the extend of the membership dues and 1 basic set of uniforms (pants, shirts, t-shirts). Sponsored families will still be responsible for events/camps costs. It shall be completely anonymous on both ends. The troop captain will simply keep a file of the pairings. There would be no vote needed, and no money allocation discussion required. Either we have a family available to adopt another, or we don’t. Sponsored families will be initially encouraged to leave the program when and if their financial situation improved. Please consider this as a long-term commitment, as it would be pretty tough to tell a sponsored family that they have lost their sponsor, therefore, good bye… Hopefully, through information dissemination and God’s will, we will build up a roster of potential sponsors to where we would never run out.Typical cost of sponsoring a whole family (keep in mind that the 1st year is quite high due to the initial uniform purchase):
1 dad + 1 boy: 1st year: $312 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $140 (local + national dues) 1 dad + 2 boys: 1st year: $464 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $210 (local + national dues) 1 dad + 3 boys (cap for dues): 1st year: $576 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $240 (local + national dues)
Please contact the troop captain at troop1ofsaintgeorge@gmail.org if you would like to become a sponsor.
1 dad + 1 boy: 1st year: $312 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $140 (local + national dues) 1 dad + 2 boys: 1st year: $464 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $210 (local + national dues) 1 dad + 3 boys (cap for dues): 1st year: $576 (uniforms + local and national dues) – subsequent years: $240 (local + national dues)
Please contact the troop captain at troop1ofsaintgeorge@gmail.org if you would like to become a sponsor.
Needs - Fun & Activities - Equipment
General Troop 51
Do we need to be parishioners to join?
Troop 51 at Epiphany of Our Lord Catholic Church does not require that your family belongs to the parish.
What does all this cost?